1/1s on SuperRare

‘Red’ and ‘White’, are my first two pieces on SuperRare, thanks to the MONTAGE space.

Both works focus on the relationship between women and their often not so friendly outside world.

My work isn’t always about showing things exactly as they are. Instead, I like to spark thoughts and feelings by mixing contrasting ideas. Sometimes, I’ll use calm or serene images to tell a story that’s actually quite the opposite. Often, I’ll play with the titles of my pieces, adding elements that aren’t actually in the image, creating a thought-provoking dissonance.

Red – The wolf is still in disguise. (See also presentation video hereunder)
A woman walking alone in a big city always has to be aware of her surroundings, keeping her sense of alertness awake and conscious.
Daydreaming is barely allowed.

White – Watch out, here I come
The bicycle holds a special empowering role, amplifying our sense of strength and freedom.
In the 1890s, it played a vital role in advancing the women’s movement, granting them newfound social mobility.
Today, in the 21st century, feminists in certain countries continue to challenge societal norms through the rebellious act of cycling.